معرفی طراحان مطرح و حرفه ای دکوراسیون داخلی به شما

Parak Company have actually been in the curtain & upholstery business for about 16 years now. So we are representing a variety of brands, big brands of course




Interior'S  Designer introductions:


خانم مهندس غزال کیوانی




web site : www.ghazalkeyvani.ir








About us :

Parak Company have actually been in the curtain & upholstery business for about 16 years now. So we are representing a variety of brands, big brands of course that tou can find them in OUR BRANDS section in web site. Our main show rooms, 5 to be exact, are actually located in the best business districts of Tehran which is the capital and there is very big potential.At the present time, we are one of the leading name’s and we have our very special customers of course.We said ”special”, and I meant it.The rich, in my country, do love spending a lot and when it comes to Home decoration In whatever form, they always go on a spree.